Monday, October 26, 2009

First Day at Church

Emery went to church for the first time this weekend. She had her special Sunday dress on. We just took her to Sunday School this time and maybe to "big church" next Sunday. I had to get up a hour earlier than usual to get everything done =)!! She looked cute though and that is all that matters =)!!

Fun Weekend

Mimi and Papa came to visit this weekend!! Emery had lots of fun. Mimi was able to make Emery smile lots of times (better than her Mom or Dad)!! Can't wait to see them again in a few weekends. Uncle Ty, Uncle John and cousin Matthew also came for a visit. I don't think Emery took one nap in her crib, she got lots of lovin'!!! We had a great weekend!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

First Night Out

Tonight Zack and I went out for our first night without Emery. Mom was in for Fall Break and kept her for us. It was very weird for me to leave her and not have her with me. It was also weird not to be on a 3 hour schedule, always watching the clock!! I think I did pretty good though and didn't get too bent out of shape!! We ate out and also went to a movie. It was a lot of fun!! THANKS MOM FOR KEEPING EMERY!!!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

I have enjoyed taking pictures of Emery. She is an easy subject to shoot!!


Nana & Big Pa

Nana and Big Pa came for a visit this weekend. Big Pa got to hold Emery for the first time =)!!! They both loved every minute.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Welcome to our new blog!!

Welcome to our new blog page. This blog was created so that friends and family could get a glimpse of the daily life of Emery and friends. Enjoy!

Emery is...........

baby development
